CoStar News has revealed that Whitbread, the UK’s largest hospitality group and owner of the ubiquitous Premier Inn budget hotel chain, has written to all of its landlords saying it will pay half its December quarter rent.
In a letter sent yesterday to all its landlords, Mark Anderson, Managing Director, Property & International at Whitbread Group, the listed owner of Premier Inn, says that it is calling on its “landlords, who have been the only stakeholders not to have shared some of [the] pain to date, to provide a proportionate degree of temporary financial support”.
Whitbread owns Premier Inn, which operates more than 800 hotels in the UK and Ireland, as well as restaurant brands Beefeater, Brewer’s Fayre, Cookhouse & Pub, Bar + Block Steakhouse, Thyme and Table Table. The restaurants operate on Premier Inn sites.
Read the full article here.