The Arc is an ambitious public realm project led by the Victoria and Victoria Westminster Business Improvement Districts.

The Arc project seeks to create a people first route for all ages and abilities between Storey’s Gate and Cardinal Place – an arc that gives the project its name. An expert design team, led by John McAslan + Partners, has been commissioned to develop a Strategic Masterplan for the project area. This will support safe, healthy, accessible, and green walking route options in the area for workers, residents and visitors.
Our second phase of community engagement for the project concluded in early March. Thank you to everyone who participated in this. It comprised on-street pop-ups, meet-the-design team workshops, an online survey, and engagement with members of St Andrew’s Youth Club. We invited thoughts and comments on the Strategic Approach and several street scenarios identified by the design team for 10 spaces that form the Arc project area set out below.
The design team are now preparing the Strategic Masterplan.
The Arc project is founded on delivering an exciting vision for the area: “The Arc will be a people-first alternative route to Victoria Street, where walking and cycling are prioritised. Safe and comfortable for people of all ages and abilities, it will be a green and healthy connection that will implement best practice sustainability measures that deliver resilient and liveable streets.”. This is supported by five key project principles:
Healthy Street: Streets filled with delight and intrigue, constructed using high quality materials and supporting multi-generational use.
Connected to Context: Showcasing incredible heritage buildings of the Arc and celebrating the area’s distinct identity.
Movement & Accessibility: Promoting pedestrians and cyclists, with equitable spaces for all.
Active & Safe Streets: Safe streets across daytime and evening, with carefully considered lighting and appropriate security measures.
Green & Blue Infrastructure: Introducing greenery and street trees and enhancing the connection to St. James’s Park, and developing
Project Timeline
May-August 2022: The project team undertook careful site analysis to inform the creation of a clear project vision and principles.
October-November 2022: Public and stakeholder engagement focused on sharing this vision and principles and gaining feedback.
November-December 2022 and January 2023: The project team developed a Strategic Approach; a series of proposals for project area that deliver on the project vision and principles.
January-March 2023: Public and stakeholder engagement. The Strategic Approach was shared with and workers, residents and visitors for their thoughts and comments.
March-August 2023: The project team develops the Strategic Masterplan.
Beyond August 2023: The BIDs will embark on conversations with Westminster City Council and others with the aim of delivering the masterplan incrementally over the next few years subject to funding, consultation, planning and other consents.