Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) Scheme – Round 3
Support for businesses severely impacted by the extended lockdown period from 21 June – 19 July 2021
Following the receipt of the third tranche of funding from central government, Westminster City Council is announcing the administration of the third round of grants to businesses that were severely impacted by the four-week extension to lockdown from the period of 21 June – 19 July 2021. This is in line with the guidance issued by central government to all local authorities in England to consider and prioritise those business groups that were impacted by these restrictions most significantly.
Businesses need not contact Westminster City Council as we expect the vast majority will automatically be identified within the next two weeks through the council’s internal systems. This will mainly be done using Valuation Office Agency (VOA) business premises codes and eligible businesses will be invited to apply.
Following direction and approval from the Council’s cabinet, WCC has decided to distribute a maximum funding pot of £4m to the following eligible ratepayer business categories, as set out in the guidance issued by the central government:
- Nightclubs (including sexual entertainment venues)
- GLA-registered grassroots music venues (where the main business is as a music venue)
- Travel and tourism sectors (including group travel, travel agents and tour operators, tourist attractions, but not souvenir shops)
- Wedding industries
- Theatres
- English language schools
- Breweries
For the avoidance of doubt, businesses will need to be able to demonstrate that their premises are wholly or mainly used for one of the above qualifying purposes. A business cannot simply have an ‘element’ of their business that qualifies under one of the above categories, as this would be seen as an ancillary to the business, rather than the main business use of the premises.
If you believe your business to be eligible and you don’t hear from Westminster City Council within the next two weeks, please contact the Westminster Business Unit via email at: